Attending the Enterprise Nation Conference last week was a very interesting experience, meeting up with lots of other entrepreneurs and hearing their stories and how they handle the challenges of running small businesses in today's economy was fascinating.
I also experienced a huge attitude shift of my own, too many time when I have looked at what I have achieved with Gloriarty and Hello Dolly Magazine I have not seen just what exactly it is I have done, how far I have come and just what I have built. The conference really did open my eyes and make me recognise that I am an entrepreneur, one of the great unrecognised army of hardworking people who create wealth for the UK but are almost invisible to the Government
Doug Richards holding Savannah
I was, by equal measures amused and embarassed by one of my reborn dolls ending up on stage with Doug Richards for his presentation, hers are the little legs you can see dangling over the edge of the podium in the video.
Savannah is listed on Gloriarty and is looking for a new home.
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